Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Summer 2012 - Washington, DC

Sooo, off we went to the Smithsonian.  We rode a shuttle van from our hotel to the Metro station.  After much ado about where to get off and how much it would cost, we finally got our fare cards.  I was helping to get Virgil through and put his card in the wrong slot.  Everyone else, of course, was through the gate and watching me be a complete idiot.  I went to the ticket guy and told him I needed my fare card back.  He went on and on about how I had to read the instructions and by then I was so frustrated I just said, I didn't read it, the machine has my fare card and I need it back.  Another man came out and retrieved Virgil's card. We finally made it through to the train.  I thought I knew so much about riding the Metro, but this day I felt like a novice.  We finally found our way to the train.  One came up, I tried to convince the others that it was the right train.  No one believed me.  I tried to get on and the door closed on me.  It isn't like an elevator door so it didn't open.  There I was stuck in the door - again with the siblings looking at me like I was an idiot - which of course I was.  I'm picturing the train leaving the station with me stuck half in and half out of the door.  I finally was able to pry the doors open and got back on the landing.  
We finally made it to the Federal Triangle.  NOT the best place to start out.  I suggested we ride to Smithsonian exit, but . . .
We ended up at the Ronald Reagan building.  We viewed the 9-11 display there.  Virgil wasn't interested in, nor did he feel like, visiting the display.  I asked a security worker if there was a bench he could sit on.  She said no.  End of conversation.  He walked over and stood against a wall.  A few minutes later, another lady went over to him and guided him over to a seat built into the wall (not really a seat but it served as one) and got him settled there.  Very sweet.
We then went down the street about a block to the Museum of American History.  It, of course, had many interesting displays.  We say antique cars, trains, trucks and buses.  I went on up to the third floor and viewed Mrs. Bradford's dollhouse display. I didn't stay any one place too long as I would go check on Virgil every few minutes.

Virgil was sick again, so he found a seat near the bathroom while we  wondered around the museum.  In the meantime, Karen (Virgil's niece) called.  She lives in Arlington.  She wanted to come have lunch with us, but Virgil was doing so poorly I imposed upon her to come get him and take him back to the hotel.  She graciously made arrangements to do so.  What a life saver.  I think he would have had a very difficult time getting back to the hotel on the Metro.  We are definitely in her debt.  She not only took him back to the hotel, but bought him some probiotic yogurt and took him to the room and visited with him for awhile.

Hope Diamond
After getting Virgil settled into Karen's van, I went to find the others.  Everyone we encountered in Washington, D.C. was very friendly.  Anyone we asked was quick to help.  A few times, someone would even ask if we needed help.  VERY nice.

We went to the Museum of Natural History.  We saw an IMAX 3d mover on the Arctic.  Enjoyable.  We then toured around.  We saw the Hope Diamond and many geographical specimans.
We headed back to the hotel, had dinner at the "Silver Diner".  I had fish tacos.  They were actually very good.  Virgil didn't go to dinner with us as he was still not doing too well.  I said to him, Can I get you something?  He said, Get me a Darby.  :)

So about Virgil - he is supposed to be on a strict diet - no fresh vegetables.  Nothing high fiber.  He had eaten a catfish sandwich at Cracker Barrell WITH lettuce and tomato.  Lettuce is against the rules.  And he had just eaten too much.  His body was not happy.  He is now going back on his strict diet!

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